Green freight transport and logistics (GFL) in the Mekong region is an annual program which is focusing on training for 06 representatives from each country: Cambodia, P.R. China (Yunnan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region), Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam about “green” factors in logistics operation. This program is funded by Mekong Institute (MI) which is located at Khon Kaen, Thailand, with the mission of contributing through human resource development and capacity building to the acceleration of sustainable economic and social development and poverty alleviation.

Mr. Tran Ly Hieu, overseas business development Manager, take part in the training programs with 05 other Vietnamese participants. This training programs not only a good chance to exchange knowledge, culture but also a good opportunity to build up international friendships between countries.

The training is conducted through a combination of methods – lectures, plenary discussions, case studies, group activities, role play, and simulation. By doing so, the training aims to equip the participants with knowledge and skills on sustainable practices in the transport and logistics industries in the Greater Mekong Subregion.

Participants are trained with 13 modules below:

Module 1: Introduction;
Module 2: Green Freight and Logistics (Why? & How?);
Module 3: Framework-Measurement-Diagnosis;
Module 4: Vision-target-KPI;
Module 5: Freight Intensity;
Module 6: Modal Shift;
Module 7: Vehicle Utilisation;
Module 8: Fuel Efficiency;
Module 9: Decarbonising Fuel;
Module 10: Recognition Scheme and Program;
Module 11: Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Cross Border Transport Agreement (CBTA): Relevance to Green Freight and Logistics;
Module 12: Importance of Green Freight Technologies, Their Types, and Solutions;
Module 13: Monitoring Company Operational Efficiency through Green Logistics Service Quality Standard (GLSQS) Software Program.


Some photos during the training course

After the training course, participants of each country will take both country action plan and individual action plan to spread the awareness and experiences to their home country during 03 months. With the purposes of Mekong Institute and Green Freight Logistics solutions, ONEX Logistics is willing to spread messsages and join in hands to make a better green sustainable development.

ONEX Logistics team.


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